Tsedzu Netshimbupfe and Lufuno Mbau
Tsedzu Netshimbupfe and his co-founder Lufuno Mbau invented an agri-tech system called Farmru.
“Our purpose as Farmru is to develop agriculture technology capabilities in rural areas."

"Farmru has a smart and ambitious team that is dedicated at the development of novel and sustainable technology solutions that can enable farmers in rural to become efficient in farming practices."
In addition to having a background in Information Systems and Business Management, Tsedzu also has farming roots, as both his grandfather and father were farmers.
While at home in his village in Limpopo, he started talking to the local farmers and found that most of them relied on intuition farming, which meant that many knew little to nothing about the conditions they were farming in.
In a hope to learn more, Tsedzu and the team also partnered with farming forums in the area, and they began to understand the information farmers needed to succeed and invented Farmru.
The Farmru system assists by saving water and maintaining optimal soil quality to produce healthy crops. It also monitors the environment, executes tasks and collects data using a low-cost microcontroller device.
The team is currently developing an app that plugs into the microcontroller, giving farmers remote access to their farms.
"To use technology to educate and inspire farmers who seek to become more productive"
Ambitions for the future
Farmru hopes to expand its networks and roll out the system to many farmers.
"To enable farmers and growers to become more productive in farming practices"
